The Radical battery thermostats are a viable upgrade route for those with a dial thermostat working on a two wire system. The design follows the Slimline Thermostat Series with both non programmable and programmable options available.
The DT-B Battery Thermostat is our non programmable battery thermostat. The DT-B is surface mounted and uses 2 AAA batteries. The DT-B is normally used with an external time clock.
The PRT-B Battery Thermostat is our programmable battery thermostat, capable of accepting 4 comfort levels per day. The PRT-B offers 5/2 day and 7 day programming.
All our thermostats come with comprehensive operating and installation instructions and we are always on hand to discuss operational, technical and individual project requirements with you as necessary.
For more information regarding our thermostats, heating controllers and or heating solutions simply give us a quick phone call, email us or fill in our contact form and we will call you.